Jun 25, 2014

More to Come...

The whole purpose of traveling to Sweden was to study abroad and immerse myself in the language and culture. So far, I think I have done that. However, I feel like I've failed to document some of the most exciting moments. Nonetheless, since schooling has actually begun, the picture uploading has come to a halt because I have been forgetting to take pictures throughout the day. Fail.
Don't worry though... I have decided to make sure I get picture crazy these next couple of days and blog more about it. Until then, I leave you with one picture of some amazing sandwich I ordered today. 
Coffee Point is a small, quaint coffee shop located near Lund Central. They have incredible deals on meals which is perfect for us students who are budgeting. I always get the skinka och ost (ham and cheese) toasted. It is so good I can't even explain to you how many times I have eaten this so far. If your tummy rumbled, then I've succeeded my goal.