Jul 14, 2014

I Don't Hike.

When I say I don't hike, that would be an understatement. Not only do I not ever hike, but I am clearly uncoordinated, my feet are a size 6 and get caught in holes & ditches, and my legs are half the size of a normal person. But let me just make note that I hiked for 7 & 1/2 hours for a total of about 12.5 miles. I know, I can't believe it either. 
This is where it all began and those mountains were the next stop of what none of could anticipate being one of the most ridiculous things I have ever done.

I climbed both up and down this crazy thing. Don't ask me why, I couldn't tell you what went through our minds when we thought to ourselves "Yeah, we should risk our lives cause we are only in Sweden for a short amount of time, but risk getting hurt in the process." Good thing we didn't! I have to thank Edyth for getting me up and down this thing. Without her, I don't think I could have done it. She talked me through going both up and down and I am so glad she did. The view was just incredible. 

We met a goat. I wanted to name him Billy naturally. Billy the goat most definitely did not want us to continue on our trek. He had a family and horns so he won that game of "You Shall Not Pass" and our group had to just wait patiently utill they made their way. The boys were also very intimated by these goats (although I'm not sure if they'd ever admit to that).
And at last we made it to this thing. By thing I mean art. This dangerous contraption that people trek to and like to climb is made out of 75 tons of driftwood nailed together. It sits on the very edge of the coast. It was pretty amazing, but I'm a chicken and I hate heights. Unlike the crazy Tinho (the little figure at the top of this thing) who had monkeyed his way up like a crazy person with nine lives.  No way I was about to climb that like it was a basic jungle gym. This artwork is called Nimis and was made by a Dr. Lars Vilks.

The journey did not end here. With no water or nearby places, half of our group decided to split up (I know...always a bad idea). But it ended up working out so amazingly. Edyth, Chelsie, Dawkins, Kitty, Dan and I trekked back up and back down looking for a way out of this forestland because our guide, known as Andres, was a part of the other group. We made our way to some horses and farmland in the middle of nowhere. Perfect scene for a horror movie, but it was weirdly the most beautiful, serene and freeing experience. We became true backpackers that contemplated staying at the only bed and breakfast we could spot in this town. That is, until we found a bus stop (thank goodness). But of course it wouldn't come for another two hours which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Across the street was an an amazing oven made pizza resturaunt. Needless to say, we were underdressed, dehydrated, starving college students that stood out and devoured those pizzas like there was no tomorrow. It dawned on us that our day was insane and quite the adventure. These are the stories I can retell in the future. I loved every minute of it.